Clean Sky

Clean Sky is a ‘Joint Technology Initiative’ to develop innovative technologies to reduce environmental impact. Clean Sky is a European project of the CLEANSKY programme ECODesign sector, ITD Leader Dassault Aviation.

The Clean Sky Joint Technology Initiative brings together partners from the public and private sectors to develop air transport that combines environmental friendliness, innovation and competitiveness.

In this important context, Italsystem Srl has signed a Consortium Agreement with ITD Ecodesign with Dassault Aviation as leader.

The - SMART Project - ‘ Saber Model Automatic tRanslation Tool, a software for Saber models conversion to multi-systems simulation platforms - Clean SKY 7th FP Research Area ECO-DESIGN ’ - stems from the need to develop a software tool capable of converting power grid models from the SABER format to other types of multi-system simulation tools (e.g. MODELICA, EASY-5, CATIA V6, ...).

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