The AMULET (Advanced Control Unit for Morphing Leading Edge Management) project aims to design and develop a control system for Morphing Leading Edge that has innovative features such as:
- small size and weight
- smart control algorithms
- advanced control laws
- innovative health monitoring strategies
- modular software
- smart power management
To achieve these goals, the AMULET project aims to design and develop an innovative control unit for leading edge morphing that has two integrated main modules:
- Smart and innovative EMA control unit for the desired airfoil
- power supply unit for smart and intelligent on-board power management
providing advanced technologies such as:
- integrated control solution - power management and control laws combined in the same control unit, optimising space and components
- strategies for capturing actuator feedback (load and position) and intelligent shape reconstruction in order to lighten the effort of acquisition and storage processes
- Multi-level control approach for managing multiple actuators with a single control device
- actuator brake management system
- advanced and reliable device using integrated monitoring functionality for SW and HW
- integrated health management and BIT system
- dedicated control for power distribution
- model-based approach used to develop the different software modules by increasing testability
ItalSystem is responsible for the planning, design, development, integration and V&V of the ECU according to the RTCA DO-178C standard, leveraging its 20 years of experience in the development and certification of embedded systems in the avionics field.