Leonardo Helicopter Division chose Italsystem s.r.l. as its supplier for Independent Verification & Validation activities on Aircraft Mission Management Computers.
Independent Verification & Validation carried out by ItalSystem's Team of experts, evaluates elements of the software life cycle process for avionics equipment produced by the Design, Development Teams of a given project. The IV&V Team monitors and evaluates every commissioned aspect of the project itself from inception to completion through established approaches that comply with the required certification standards. The application of such a scenario allows problems and criticalities to be corrected from the earliest design stages, significantly reducing costs resulting from inefficiently identified failures that may arise at the end of a project or in production.
The field of IV&V therefore requires expertise and experience in reviewing commissioned project aspects and regulatory competence in the application of the formal aspects required for equipment certification.
L’attività svolta ha visto il Team ItalSystem confrontarsi con gli aspetti funzionali del Aircraft Mission Management Computer producendo le evidenze formali richieste dal processo di certificazione conforme alla norma RTCA DO178/B Level B.